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Newton’s Laws of Motion.

Funny Physics.

Цели урока:

  • Обучающая – формирование знаний и умений учащихся по восприятию научной лексики на английском языке, умение работать с научной и технической терминологией, продолжать развивать навыки чтения и говорения на английском языке, объединение знаний по английскому языку и физике

  • Воспитывающая – воспитание чувства сопричастности к мировой истории

  • Развивающая – развитие обобщенных знаний и целостного представления о физических явлениях; развитие полученных на уроках знаний при интегрированном подходе к изучению различных предметов; формирование познавательной деятельности, развивать творческие способности учеников, формировать навыки совместной работы.


  • мультимедийный проектор;

  • индивидуальные карточки-задания;

  • англо-русские словари.



Ход урока

  1. Подготовка к началу работы.

Good morning everybody! I’m glad to see you today and I hope you will enjoy our lesson connected with Physics as I know Physics is your favourite subject.


  2.  Phonetics.

Before we start, I’d like you to brush up some vocabulary that will be necessary during our lesson. (Phonetics)


   3.  Речевая разминка.

At the previous lessons we discussed some outstanding mathematicians and physicians and their discoveries.

Can you remember anybody? 

Look at the screen please. Can you tell me what Pythagarus is famous for? (предполагаемые ответы: He determined relation between the sides of a right triangle; He invented the multiplication table) And what about Archimedes? (He is famous for laws of hydrostatics; He determined the law of lever; He created celestial globe)

What discoveries belong to Mikhail Lomonosov? (Discoveries in optics and electricity). Why do we consider Einstein one of the greatest physicians? (Because of his Relativity Theory and Quantum Theory) 


  4.  Актуализация имеющихся знаний.

  • Who is one of the greatest thinkers of all times, whose discoveries made great contribution to the development of science?

(Isaac Newton). Look at the screen please. You can see there the words of the great British poet Alexander Pope about Newton written on his grave.

(Nature and Nature’s laws lay hid in night: God said, Let Newton be and all was light).

We’ve already discussed some facts of his life and education. Now I’d like you to remember some of them and give me only one sentence. Follow each other attentively so as not to mention the same fact twice. (Учащиеся вспоминают факты из биографии и деятельности Ньютона, изученные на предыдущих уроках)

And what discovery of Newton did we mention at the previous lessons? Law of Gravitation (slide).

Now tell me please, what other discoveries of Newton do you know from your physics lessons? (3 Laws of Motion). And that’s the topic of our today’s lesson.

  • Now I’d like you to do some vocabulary exercises. You have task sheets #1 on your desks.You should match the physical terms and their definitions. You have a couple of minutes to complete this task.

       Well, I hope you are ready. 

  • And now let’s use these words in sentences. Take task sheets #2 and fill in the gaps with the correct words. Now it’s time to check the answers.

  • All these words can be of some help to you as your task now is to formulate 3 Newton’s laws. You should put parts of the sentences in the correct order so as to make up three laws of motion which are familiar to you from your physics lessons.

       (Task Sheet #3).  (Учащиеся соединяют части предложений и формулируют законы Ньютона)

So, let’s read and translate the I Law. 

Now look at the screen. Watch the video, featuring the I Law, and try to explain what’s going on. (Учащиеся просматривают видео-фрагмент обучающего фильма, показывающий з-ны Ньютона в действии. и пробуют дать объяснения)

(Предполагаемый ответ: This is the law of inertia. The apple didn’t move until you applied an unbalanced force. The apple and the worm were then travelling at the same speed. We stopped the apple, but not the worm. It kept going. That is inertia at work).


Now let’s do the same with the II and the III laws. (Предполагаемые ответы: 2. This law shows how force, mass and acceleration are linked. If the worm applies greater force to the apple, it accelerates the apple to a faster speed. Large apple’s heavy mass limits the acceleration of the apple.

3. It’s the most famous of Newton’s laws.The rocket creates an action – a downward force. This downward force creates an equal and opposite reaction, propelling the rocket upwards).


  • As you know, we can observe Newton’s laws in our everyday life. Now I’m going to give you some examples and you should explain which law is applied in each case and prove your answer. (На экране изображены предметы, и учащиеся должны объяснить, какой из законов Ньютона действует в каждом конкретном случае)


  • Now it’s time to check your knowledge in physics. On the screen you’ll see a question. Discuss it with your partner and chose one answer. Be ready to explain your choice. You’ll have to answer 10 questions. (Выполнение теста в парах)


       I see that you are real experts in Physics. Now, to sum it all up, we can say that we always obey 3 laws of motion and other physical laws even if we don’t think about it. What I want to add is that we can observe physics in the most common things like a hair dryer or balloons.


        4.  Практическая часть.

Now it’s time to have some fun with physics. Some of you had the task to prepare an experiment. I hope you are ready to start.        

All you’ll need is over there. (Показ "экспериментов"с объяснениями применяемых физических законов)


        5. Подведение итогов.

Well, your work today has been great! You’ve also learned a lot of special words connected with physics. You’ll be able to use your knowledge in your professional live. I wish you good luck.

Ход Урока

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Ход урока

#1 Task Sheet

#2 Task Sheet

#3 Task Sheet

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